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Read Elrohir's Journal
Elrohir is of average height, slim and wiry, He has dark skin, green eyes, and long black hair streaked with silver, usually worn in a ponytail high on the head. He wears no armour, just loose clothing round towns or dark green ninja garb while in the wilderness. He always carries a concealed dagger somewhere on him. He has a tattoo marking him as a member of the Brotherhood of the Green on his upper right arm.
Elrohir was born into an Wild Elf clan called the Brotherhood of the Green. The Brotherhood of the Green believe in keeping natural harmony between Good and Evil, believing that the delicate balance of the two is crucial for life/the power of the "Green".
He soon became an Evenstrike Ninja, an active part of the clan who are sent out to neutralise anything that appears to be altering this balance too far. This doesn’t always necessitate assassination but it’s often the case. The target is often Evil, but also sometimes Good. The targets aren’t seen by the Brotherhood in this way; they are both the same in their eyes, people capable of shifting the balance of power to one side or the other. Which side isn’t thought of as relevant.
Being a Wild Elf, he is uncomfortable in cities and other areas that are man-made. He prefers the outside and nature, the greens and browns of the forests and hills, the gentle gurgle or roaring cacophany of rivers and waterfalls.
Twitchy when around large numbers of people, he always feel much safer when with few people and plenty of space to see things coming. Always initially cautious, he'll always ensure he's facing the door in a bar to assess new arrivals, and given a chance would like to scout out a place for alternative exits before entering.
Elrohir's been sent out to investigate and reconnoiter lands new to the clan - to assess the balance of power in new areas and make judgements on whether or not to intervene for the Brotherhood now or to just take notes and return for a more detailed discussion.
The first member of the party is of course Elrohir himself, a Wild Elf Ninja.
His companions are Dinike Rioe, a Half-Elven Bard; "Gimp" Stormglass, a Halfling Conjurer; Shaniqa Arisa, a Human Radiant Servant of Pelor; and Grot Krayfish, Half-Orc Fighter. During our adventures in the city of Madradur we helped Garrick, a Wood Elf Archer, escape from the clutches of the evil Drow and he also joined our party.
One of Elrohir's previous companions, Lenwë Telemnar the High Elf Monk left the party to pursue enlightenment through a less violent path after we conquered the Drow Mountain.
If you wish you can read Dinike's and Lenwë's anecdotes on our adventures.