My Characters
- Elrohir Surion, Wild Elf Evenstrike Ninja, member of The Brotherhood of the Green. Keeps a journal of his party's adventures for reference, so that upon return to the Brotherhood they can assess the balance of Good and Evil in the areas he's visited.
Read Elrohir's Journal.
- Hadara, Human Cleric and Radiant Servant of Pelor, smiter of undead and party healer. Took part in a long dungeon crawl through Rappan Athuk, which ended when the party bravely tried to destroy a Temple of Orcus full of clerics and a nasty, teleporting Vrock. Unfortunately we'd already used all our big damage spells for the day and under a barrage of Hold Person spells and slashing Vrock claws two friends had their throats slit and the rest of us had no choice but to bug out with a Dimension Door.
- Morgull, Half-Orc Barbarian, with his trusty dog Scabby. In the short time Morgull was used, it was amazing just how annoying a pet dog can be to the party, so much so that they revelled in trying to kill it when it became controlled by the vine of a magical plant. He also spent most of the adventure unable to use his greataxe for one reason or another.
- Smithy, Dwarven Fighter, my first character. The frontline tank for an all dwarf party, he hit things, hard, until they stopped moving. Then hit them once more just in case. Power attack+high STR+greatsword=stupidly high damage for so little dice.
General Stuff
- Blank 3.5 edition character sheet (pdf version)
- Have a look at the Book of Neurotic Fantasy (~7MB pdf), aka Bride of Portable Hole. This fantastic free sourcebook contains unmissable Prestigeless classes (e.g. Flunky, Paladin of the Secret Righteous Order of the Hokey-Kokey), Encounters (e.g. the Dread Gazebo) and Magic Items (.e.g. Codpiece of Courage) and much much more.
World of Warcraft
The World of Warcraft pen and paper RPG is published by White Wolf and is based on the MMORPG of the same name. It requires a new players handbook but uses the same DMG as 3.5 edition D&D. It also has its own Monster Guide and a load of additional material to expand the game.
My Characters
- Samael Demonspeaker, Gnome Warlock, and his trusty canine companion Abraxas. Samael is actually a World of Warcraft RPG character. His cute cuddly dog has in fact been transformed into a demonic dretch and acts as his Fel companion, but Samael still sees him just like when he was a puppy.
Read Samael's scribblings.
General Stuff
- Technological Device Primer. A group of us WoW RPG gamers got together to try and produce a free netbook of additional material for the game in as professional a style as we could. That book hasn't yet seen the light of day for various reasons, but one thing that has come out of it so far is a good primer on the use of technological devices, one of the more complicated new additions that World of Warcraft brings to the table. You can have a look at it here.
My Characters
- Karagon Bloodletter (see character sheet, MSWord doc), my oldest and longest running character. He started as a Praxian nomad, worshipping Waha, God of the plains, and over the years he's done it all. He's won a wife in a royal tournament, become a WindLord of Orlanth, been on a HeroQuest to save the world, and much much more. Karagon was an adventurer in the old-fashioned hero mould, fighting for those less fortunate than himself. Though he spent most of his early adventuring career was spent fighting against the Lunar Empire and the Red Goddess, I've brought him back from retirement a number of times both for shorter adventures and as an NPC in campaigns I've run as GM.
- Arbeth Lorrianus (see character sheet, MSWord doc), NPC member of the party I ran in a Dorastor campaign that lasted two or three years. She started as a hired healer, but as the party grew more able to look after itself she was able to branch out into more areas. Like the entire party, by the end of the campaign she'd gained a number of mutations (not chaos features) from the events that occurred.
- Loki, first and foremost a trickster and occasional thief. He was a lot of fun to play, and was my first character to use sorcery rather than spirit magic. Much loved by the GM for his ability to drag the party into dangerous situations and pushing/pulling all the levers he could find.
- Tahatsu the Possessor, Morokanth shaman. The strangest PC I played in RuneQuest, more or less an intelligent tapir. He was always being let down by the rest of his party, namely 2 dwarfs who were possibly the most inept characters I have ever seen grace an adventure. He holds the unenviable record of successfulling calling on Divine Intervention 3 times in 2 sessions in order to save the party.
General Stuff
- Blank character sheet (unofficial design)
- New Magic Items
- Amulet of Heroes - Almost one-use, powerful stat boosting item.
- Distan's Breastplate - Magical breastplate that increases your ability to stand and fight.
- The Lakharemtola Zalarem - Arcane book containing a few new spells. Note - I created this item a long time ago, and I think it may be a modification of a D&D item from a magazine or old book. If you know of the source, please let me know.
- Storm Banner - A powerful artifact intended for use in times of war, this was a quest item for an experienced party, not intended as an item for a party to carry round with them.
- Heart of Darkness - Another powerful artifact not intended for a party to keep, but possibly for them to use once to aid their escape after finding it.
- New Cults
- Umath the Destroyer - God of raw, elemental storms, father of Orlanth.
- Rashoran - Minor deity whose cult has been revived by Ralzakark in Dorastor.
- Golden Bow - The Son of Yelm.
- Eurmal - Orlanth Pantheon trickster.
- NPCs
- Blueface the Shaman - An ancient wandering shaman.
- Count Julan - Leader of the Lunar Coders, an elite group of troubleshooters for the empire.
- Fazzur Wideread - Governor-General of Dragon Pass.
- Granny Keeneye - Malevolent spirit witch.
- Cragspider the Firewitch - Very powerful Mistress Race troll, the original creator of the Great troll race.
- Here are a number of maps of various parts of Glorantha, covering where we used to run our campaigns.
- A rough map of Pavis County, where Karagon's family reside and where he cut his adventuring teeth.
- A larger scale map of Prax (note Pavis in the upper right quartile).
- A good map of Dragon Pass and the surrounding areas, covering most areas of interest. Our parties spent most of their time somewhere on this map, be it at Apple Lane, Snakepipe Hollow, Skyfall Lake or the Sun Dome Temple.
- A large map of the Lunar Empire, showing the extent of the Glowline within which they hold greater power. Dorastor, at the bottom left of the map, was the setting for my longest running period of GM, and probably the most fun as well. In a place filled with raw chaos energy and strange chaotic beasts you can get away with a lot, and the party sometimes found itself up against creatures shamelessly imported from Warhammer or Call of Cthulhu settings. At the very least it stopped them going away and looking up all the stats on the creatures in the Monsters book between sessions.
Call of Cthulhu
General Stuff
- A quick start guide for Call of Cthulhu, this is a 1.9MB pdf file.
- A selection of mini-adventures (again all pdf files), my favourites from browsing around the web:
- A one session adventure, Finger Biter is short and is unlikely to either kill or drive insane your investigators, so maybe a good one to start with.
- The books of Uncle Silas is a longer adventure, a good one I think for starting a new a campaign rather than a one-off. It's heavy on the research and thinking, low on fighting, so could be a good way to get people who are used to other RPGs into the Call of Cthulhu mindset.
- More experienced investigators would probably enjoy The Horror on Haldon Hill. Having an idea of when to run rather than stand up is handy in this one, so not best for new players who expect to be able to kill everything they meet.
- I've left The Maze of Madness to the end partly because it's a much bigger download than the other three (~5MB rather than a couple of hundred kb). It's also last because it's the longest, and I think the one that needs the most experienced GM and players.