This heavy golden amulet can be used at no cost once per year. Additional uses within that year wil cost 1 POW to activate. The amulet adds 3D6 to all stats (SIZ is optional) for 1 hour.
This rather battle-scarred plate breastplate covers just the chest, automatically transforming to the size and shape of the wearer. If 1 magic point is expended it will also transform into any other kind of metal armour and remains that way until it is removed or another magic point expended to return it to it's original form. It is immune to acid and adds +1 STR and +1 CON.
This is a very large tome, with heavy, metal reinforced wodden covers bound over 144 pages of thick vellum. It weighs 301bs and is invulnerable to fire, acid and moisture damage. It contains the following spells:
Zala's Icejacket - temporal, stackable, active, touch
Coats person in a layer of magical ice which provides D6 fire protection per point of spell. Roll once when the spell is cast and apply this damage reduction to all fire damage, do not reroll every time damage is taken. Against magical fire the spell has only a 1-in-3 chance of working, this chance should be rerolled every time magical fire damage is taken.
Zala's Amberhelm - temporal, non-stackable, active, touch, 3pts
This creates an amber translucent sphere about the head of the target which prevents all mind-affecting spells of lower points cost affecting him. For Divine spells double the points cost before comparing to the Amberhelm. For example, this will protect against Befuddle(2pts), Demoralise(2pts) or Madness(1pt Divine), but not against Mindblast(2pt Divine).
Thunguul's Minor Preservation - temporal, non-stackable, passive, touch, 4pts
When you cast this spell you must expend a number of Total HP in addition to the magic point cost (adjust any hit locations as appropriate). If at any point during the spell's duration your Total HP reduce to 0 or below the spell triggers and these HP are immediately returned, hopefully preventing your death.
Thunguul's Major Preservation - ritual Enchant
This spell costs 1 POW to cast + as many more as the enchanter wishes to expend. These extra points of POW are stored within the enchantment and if at any time your POW reduces to 0 the enchantment triggers and the POW is immediately returned, preventing destruction of the soul.
Standard Spirit Magic
The book also contains the following spells (stackable spells any strength from 1-6pts): Heal(any common species), Countermagic, Shimmer, Protect and Spirit Screen.
The Storm Banner is a large battle standard made of an impervious reflective silver material that can be seen from 2km away. It depicts a giant riding a winged chariot, with a crown on his brow and a shower of lightning bolts erupting from his fists. It can only be unfurled by a Windlord or Stormvoice of Orlanth, and in a combat with at least a century of men on either side. Twenty magic points must be expended to activate it's abilities, and it remains active until the end of the battle.
Any spell cast by the holder can affect up to 100 others within 50m if they expend half of the mp cost of the spell. Every point of Orlanthi Divine magic cast into the banner is converted into D3 points of temporary POW which can be used to power Thunderbolts or Lightning (as per the Divine spells but with a 250m range). The holder can expend any/all of these points once per round, split among as many spells and targets as he wishes. Once per season it may unleash a Thunderbolt storm, 2D6 Thunderbolts (as per the Divine spell) in a 50m radius area up to 500m away. This costs an additional 20mp of the holder to activate.
Any person not of the Orlanth pantheon who touches the banner will take D6 electrical damage per strike rank until they release it. This damage will not occur if they are forced to touch the banner (it cannot be used for torture).
This is a large black stone set into a black neckchain like an amulet. Any trolls within 50m of the stone gain +20% in H.Mace attack and parry, Darkscan and Darksearch. Any Divine Magic they know becomes re-usable within that radius and all spells cast will have a 100% casting check. All darkness creatures add +1 temporary POW. Any light worshippers or Humakti in this area suffer a -10% to all weapon attacks and parries and their Divine Magic becomes one-use if it is normally re-usable. It gives the wearer 100% in speak, read and write darktongue.
The God of raw, elemental storms, Umath fathered many important air and storm deities, most notably Orlanth. His special attributes are strength and violence. He broke the universe apart to form the earth and the sky to create a home for his children and is remembered as either a great villain or a great hero by everyone in the world. He is usually shown as a squat, powerful figure holding up the sky. His runes are Air, Movement and Death.
Requirements: Must be Male. Must succeed in 3 of 5 cult skill rolls, succeed in a test of strength (STR x 5) and sacrifice 1 point of POW.
Benefits and Restrictions: Must give 10% of time and money to the cult. Free training in cult skills and access to cult Spirit magic.
Skills: Jump, Scan, Throw, Weapon attack, Weapon parry.
Spirit Magic: Bladesharp, Bludgeon, Fanaticism, Firearrow, Fireblade, Strength, Vigor.
Requirements: Standard requirements for a priest. The applicant must also beat a current priest, or preferably another initiate attempting to become a priest, in a feat of strength or heroism chosen by the head of the temple.
Benefits and Restrictions: D10 Divine Intervention, reusable Divine magic, must give 90% of time and money to the cult.
Common Divine: Divination, Enchant Iron, Heal Wound, Sanctify, Spellteach, Strengthening Enchantment, Worship Umath.
Special Divine: Cloud Call, Smash, Strength of Umath.
Requirements: At least 90% Weapon attack and parry. Have a STR of 14+. Must also have at least 90% in three of the following skills and at least 50% in the other 4: Jump, Orate, Ride, Scan, Throw, other Weapon attack, World Lore. Must succed in a test of strength (STR x 3) and usually complete a cult mission set by the ruling Destructor.
Benefits and Restrictions: D10 Divine Intervention, POW x 3 chance of getting an allied spirit (normally bound into your primary weapon), must give 50% of time and money to the cult.
Common Divine: See Priest.
Special Divine: Berserk, Smash, Strength of Umath.
Orlanth provides Lightning and Increase Wind reusably to Priests, one-use to Destructors.
Urox provides Face Chaos reusably to Destructors, one-use to Priests.
Chalanna Arroy provides Restore Health(STR).
Smash 1 point
Ranged, Instant, Stackable, Reusable
This spell is used to destroy non-living objects. Each point of spell gives 2D4 points of force which are matched against the Armour Points of the object on the resistance table. If the caster wins then the object is smashed. This spell can affect a vloume up to 1m cubed. If the object is held by someone then their magic points must first be overcome for the spell to have any effect.
Strength of Umath 2 points
Touch, Temporal, Non-stackable, Reusable
This spell embodies the recipient with a small part of Umath, enhancing his strength. His base STR doubles for the duration of the spell. The recipient must be contact with earth or stone for this spell to work.
Rashoran was a lesser god who served under the major gods of chaos, in particular the Unholy Trio. He was the commander of their armies but conflicted with them constantly over the topics of honourable battle and strategic warfare. They allowed him some leeway because he was very successful but they always restricted him in his growth so he could never challenge them.
During the God’s War the storm gods were surprised and ambushed by the Unholy Trio. Rashoran disliked this immensely as it was against his beliefs and as Thed crept up behind one of Orlanth’s best thanes with a poisoned blade Rashoran called a warning to him and allowed him to escape death. For this the Trio beat him savagely and stole all his battle fury, but Orlanth had noticed the honourable act and was moved by it. He told his thanes to leave Rashoran in the next fight and vowed to return the debt whenever he could.
When Rashoran discovered the truth about the Devil he tried to teach it to the Unholy Trio who were trying to bring him into the world. They grew angry at his impertinence and killed him for his trouble, but he was kept on the brink of death and healed by Orlanth in payment for the debt he owed. This process rid him of virtually all his chaotic nature and left him severely weakened. He secluded himself away in order to heal and any worshippers he had slowly died away. This meant that when the Cosmic Compromise was made the gods forgot about Rashoran and he was unaware of what it meant.
The cult has been resurrected in Dorastor by Ralzakark who discovered Rashoran during his wanderings and brought back the cult secrets to the normal plane with him. Some of the broo say that Rashoran has donated a portion of his power to Ralzakark in return for refounding his cult. The High Holy Day of Rashoran is Windsday, Death Week, Storm Season. His runes are Death, Truth and Chaos.
Requirements: Must succeed in 2 of 3 cult skill rolls. Donate 1 POW. Give 10% time and money to cult.
Benefits and Restrictions: Must take a gift and geas from either Humakti or Yelmalian tables. Must never use Dullblade. Must give 10% of time and money to the cult. Free training in cult skills and access to cult Spirit magic.
Skills: Sword attack, Weapon parry, Missile weapon attack.
Spirit Magic: Bladesharp, Coordination, Demoralize, Heal (broo), Protect, Repair, Strength, Vigor.
Requirements: Must have been an initiate for 1 year, be a broo, illuminated and possess at least one chaos feature. Must have melee and missile weapon attack at 90% and weapon parry at 75%.
Benefits and Restrictions: Get given a 7mp crystal, sword troop lamellar, greatsword and gladius. May expend 1 POW to obtain a second gift and geas if desired.
Requirements: Must have been a favoured initiate for one year. 90% sword attack and any parry. 90% in 3 of the following: Headbutt, Missile attack, Scan, Craft armour, First Aid. Must have 50% Military Lore and 30% ceremony. Must possess 10 pts of Divine magic including Spellteach, Sanctify and Worship.
Benefits and Restrictions: D10 Divine Intervention, reusable Divine magic, POW x 3 chance of getting an allied spirit bound into your primary weapon, may take up to 3 more gifts and appropriate geases, must give 90% of time and money to the cult.
Common Divine: All.
Special Divine: Detect Truth, Morale, Oath, Sever Spirit ( 1-use ), Shield, Truesword.
Thed provides Fumble.
Golden Bow is the son of Yelm and is responsible for the teaching of archery skills and spells. He is portrayed as an armoured warrior bearing a bow of gold and a quiver of arrows but no other weapons, astride a winged horse. Golden Bow is especially revered by the Pure Horse Tribe, as he spent many years in Pent at the founding of the tribe, where he established many noble families, taught archery and led the tribe in opposing the forces of Darkness left on the surface after the Dawn.
The High Holy Day is Fireday, Death Week, Fire Season. His runes are Light and Man.
Requirements: 50% Archery skill. Donate 1 POW.
Benefits and Restrictions: Must not use any missile weapon other than a Self Bow or Composite Bow, may not use any shield or two-handed melee weapon..
Skills: Bow, Ride, Horse Archery.
Spirit Magic: Bow Meld (see below), Firearrow, Multimissile, Speedart.
Requirements: Candidates must have a POW of at least 18 and know a bow skill and any other skill at a minimum of 90% ability. Candidates must have been Initiates for at least 3 years and pass a POW x 3 test.
Benefits and Restrictions: D10 Divine Intervention, reusable Divine magic. Bow Masters receive an allied spirit bound into a golden bow which is given to the Bow Master at their ordination. Once the bow has been attuned by sacrificing a permanent point of POW, the bow may be used at the owner's full ability. The bow has 15 armour points, and an effective range of 150m, inflicts 1d8+1 damage and allows its owner to cast a Sun Arrow spell (see below) upon an arrow fired from the bow once per week (each week commences at dawn on Fireday). The bow cannot be drawn by anyone other that it's attuned owner. A Bow Master must give 90% of time and money to the cult. Bow Masters have the same weapon restrictions as Initiates.
Common Divine: All 1pt Divine, plus Extension and Sure Shot.
Special Divine: Bow Trance, Summon Salamander, Sun Arrow.
Hippoi provides Speak with Horses.
Yelmalio provides Sunbright.
Yelmalio provides Cloud Clear.
Bow Meld 1 point
Ranged, Temporal, Non-Stackable
This spell increases the recipient's archery and horse archery abilities by one half. The recipient cannot use any weapon other than a bow, cannot parry, nor can he cast any non missile weapon enhancing spells whilst affected. He may dodge at full ability, move to find new targets and cast spells not proscribed above.
Sun Arrow 1 point
Touch, Duration until fired, Non-Stackable, Re-usable
This non-stackable spell must be cast upon an arrow. When fired the arrow leaves a beam of golden sunlight behind it and burns with the fire of Yelm. The arrow may be fired without penalty up to the bow's maximum range, has a +15% chance to hit, does 3d6+3 damage and does double damage after armour to creatures of Darkness. The arrow may not be additionally affected by a Firearrow, Multimissile or Speedart spell.
This troublemaker is a jester and a fool, but armed with divine energy and strength. His tricks change the world, his pranks create or destroy. Sometimes his jokes are harmless, such as when he attended a banquet of the Celestial Court and caused their clothes to become invisible. Sometimes his jokes are helpful, as illustrated when he distracted the gate guards of Hell so that the Lightbringers could slip by.
Eurmal is a self-indulgent buffoon. Eating, drinking, and fornicating are his favoured activities; thievery and callousness are his entertainment. Every sensible deity throws this bum out of his court if he can, and every sensible human throws his worshiper out of his house. Only Orlanth can (sometimes) control him. Eurmal is usually shown as an attractive being, provocatively dressed and impishly grinning, often with sharpened teeth. With one hand he holds a bag of tricks while making an obscene gesture with the other..
The cult of Eurmal provides a place for those who cannot find a place within a culture and whose lack of discipline or the ability to act in concert with others makes even the other outlaw cults too restrictive. Within Orlanthi lands Eurmal is given a position as Fool and advisor. Outside Orlanthi lands, Eurmal is treated as any of the other Trickster Gods and considered fair game.
The High Holy Day is held on the last day of the year before Sacred Time. His runes are Disorder, Luck and Air.
Requirements: Must succeed in any 5 skill rolls of your choice. Donate 1 POW.
Benefits and Restrictions: Eurmal temples and shrines will usually provide an initiate with a bolt hole or way out of trouble. Every High Holy Day an initiate should do his best to return to the nearest temple and sacrifice all his magic points in a worship ceremony. Failing to attend will result in 1 POW being deducted in lieu.
Skills: Sleight, Devise and Conceal are generally available for Initiates to learn in temples to Eurmal.
Spirit Magic: Befuddle, Hotfoot (see below), Glamour, Glue, Mobility.
Requirements: Standard requirements for a priest. The initiate must also be recognised by an Orlanthi priest in order to make the position permanent.
Benefits and Restrictions: D10 Divine Intervention, reusable Divine magic, must give 90% of time and money to the cult.
Common Divine: Sanctify, Worship Eurmal.
Special Divine: Reflection, All Illusions spells, Charisma, Clever Tongue, Conceal, Group Laughter, Hide Fire, Lie.
Orlanth provides Command Sylph.
Chalanna Arroy provides Heal Wound.
Hotfoot 1 point
Ranged, Instant, Non-Stackable
If the target's magic points are overcome, he receives a burning pain in one foot (chosen by the caster), and cannot stand on that foot for the rest of the melee round. If the target succeeds in a DEX * 5% roll, he can hop around on his other foot until the heat dies down. Otherwise, he falls down.
This is a small selection of important people in Glorantha, the people who may force changes in the world the adventurers walk through, who may be their guide or long term enemy. I've not provided stats for these people as they're not intended to ever be confronted in direct combat, they should be far above the adventurers level.
Originally published in the book Griffin Mountain
Usual location: The Elder Wilds
There are many shamans in Balazar, but there is only one Blueface. Balazarings say that shaman Blueface is centuries old. Obscure tales place Blueface at the founding of Elkoi and at other ancient events. It is known that the shaman was legendary even when the fathers and grandfathers of the current tribal elders were but children. He is rumoured to be nearing godhood.
The truth of the matter is that Blueface, the original Blueface, was an unnamed son of Dykene who took the shaman path. The vigour of the gods ran in his veins and he had an extremely long life, aided by his shamanistic powers. To ensure that the qualities of long life and vigour remained in his offspring, Blueface always abandons his children (begat upon Balazaring tribeswomen) to the wilderness, unaided by humans. It is cruel, and most die, but any survivors unerringly grow in power and strength, and eventually seek out their father. One of these children eventually becomes a shaman and takes the place of his father when the older shaman joins the spirits. The average lifespan of the Blueface shamans is 100 years.
The current shaman bearing the name Blueface is the most powerful of the line since its founder. He is over 200 years old. He appears as an incredibly ancient, physically powerful man with a long white beard. His face is tattooed with stylised runic whorls and swirls, all in brilliant blue. Blueface has HeroQuested many times in his long life. Successful trips have gained him special abilities such as his Possession and Endurance powers, along with magic items like the Eubuck staff.
Blueface is above tribal bickering. He goes wherever special healing or curative powers are needed in Balazar, appearing only when he wishes; otherwise he cannot be found. He is highly respected and feared, even by the Lunars. He is likely to be found wherever some poor hunter is ill, doing his traditional curing for the tribe, Often he may employ others to do tasks for him.
Greyrunner Runefang
During an early HeroQuest, the original Blueface met and aided a great, unique creature known as Greyrunner Runefang. Greyrunner was a huge tiger with flashing fangs which protruded down from between his lips. After the quest, the two made many blood-pacts and declared each other friends and allies, and the pacts have extended to Blueface's descendants. If Greyrunner should be slain, Blueface will hunt the slayers with undying hatred to avenge his friend. Whenever Blueface wishes, he need only speak the great cat's name aloud, and Greyrunner will appear within a few minutes. Blueface may then attempt to possess the body of Runefang, and can remain in that form for up to 24 hours at a time.
Originally published in the book Strangers in Prax
Usual location: Anywhere there is unrest
Left on the steps of a Foundling Home in Good Shore with a note bearing his name, Julan's upbringing as an orphan was made more comfortable by the large anonymous benefaction that came with his cradle. He received a nobleman's education and, more importantly, a solid grounding in Lunar virtues from the Teelo Norri sisters. Julan's benefactor, the nuns reasoned, must be someone of rank and privilege who might wish to claim his son again one day. The nuns did not want this mysterious person to find their child to have been brought up an illiterate oaf.
Nothing was heard from the benefactor again until Julan reached maturity, when a paid commission into the Heartlands Army was delivered to him. As a young tribune, Julan was one of the few Lunar soldiers to personally excel at the disastrous Building Wall Battle of 1605, and he went on to attain Sword status during the troubles of Starbrow's Rebellion in 1613. As a Sword of Yanafal Tarnils, Julan saw that he had probably risen as far as he could. Even an orphan can rise through the army ranks with enough ability, but Julan's further progression in Lunar circles was stymied because of his lack of family connections and wealth. Frustrated, he hung around the edges of Lunar high society for several years, until he caught the eye of Appius Luxius and was recruited into the Coders. Here Julan found an outlet for his ambitions and, his energy rekindled, he threw himself wholeheartedly into the job. His charisma and leadership qualities soon shone through, and he was promoted to lead the Coders. Recently, Julan has made a Count of the Imperial Bath, merely a courtesy title, but one that has nevertheless assisted him in his dealings with high Lunar officials.
Julan strives hard to fit the mold of the Yanafal Tarnils rune lord: just, chivalrous, brave, and honourable. This has been at the expense of his sense of humour, although he is known to lighten up somewhat when off-duty and relaxed. Julan's unusual upbringing has given him many aristocratic virtues, but little of the snobbery or arrogance that sometimes comes with rank. He exhibits genuine friendship to decent people of all classes, though he treats those he considers base or dishonourable with polite, icy disdain. Julan remains unaware of the identity of his mysterious benefactor, whose last overt act was to send him his iron scimitar, on the day of his induction as a Sword of Yanafal Tarnils.
The Lunar Coders
The Lunar Coders are special agents of the Lunar Empire, dispatched by the Emperor on sensitive political missions in the Provinces. They directly serve the Overseer of the Lunar Provinces, Appius Luxius, and through him the Red Emperor. Responsible for matters of provincial security, Appius perceived a need for a select group of special agents to take decisive, overt action on intelligence affecting the security and stability of the Lunar Provinces and the Empire's conquests in the South. Upon receiving his Emperor's blessing, Appius gathered together the Empire's finest as the agents known as the Coders.
The Coders are a model of decency and civilised behaviour. They are not chaotics, and conscientiously avoid that aspect of the Lunar way. They always work in the open, and wear distinctive red cloaks announcing their status. Currently, there are five members of the Coders: Count Julan; Princess Anderida, a Lunar noblewoman and priestess of the Seven Mothers; Nose Ring, a criminal reformed through the trials and punishments of the Danfive Xaron cult; Eslas the Tracker, an outcast from Pent; and Maculus the Monitor, a Lunar sorcerer.
Originally published inWyrms Footnotes #13
Usual location: Dragon Pass
Fazzur is a well-educated, rich Tarsh noble, a master of the Light of Action (a Lunar battle manual), a Rune Lord of Yanafal Tarnils and the Seven Mothers, an initiate of the Red Moon, the Commander of the Occupying Army (in Dragon Pass), and Governor General of Dragon Pass.
Fazzur takes a weekly salary for personal expenses, though he could receive much more. All other expenses are paid by his cult, and his exact financial worth unknown. He owns land in Tarsh, Sartar, and Sylila. His Sylilan property is known for the rare herbs and roots it produces.
Vostor Blacktooth, Fazzur's father, was a loyal retainer of General Phargentes, brother to King Philoctes who was driven out of Tarsh by Palashee Longaxe (who then became king). For many years the exiles lived in the Empire, growing and gathering strength. Vostor was 24 when the Empire re-invaded Tarsh, and he commanded a cavalry contingent in the fight, showing himself to be clever, confident, and competent. Though the Lunar king was slain, Phargentes made a brilliant recovery, slew Palashee, and became king himself. The year was 1556. Vostor was rewarded with a rich dukedom.
Vostor had four sons and one daughter by two wives. They were all loyal and brave. The brothers all became Lunar soldiers who fought often for their king. The eldest son, Farrad, died at age 28 in the Battle of Grizzly Peak (1582) which smashed the Sartar army. The second son, Goslem, died at age 23 in the Battle of Bagnot (also 1582), when he acted rashly and attacked too soon. The third son was Wassail. He was quick to rise in the priesthood and helped Phargentes arrange the difficult magic which helped kill Sartar prince Terasarin in 1600. Fazzur was the youngest son, born in 1564. He was a gifted child and a talented soldier, receiving his commission early. Vostos' last child, a daughter, was born in 1568 and was named Harsta. She was a proud and haughty noblewoman, and wed the second son of King Phargentes.
Fazzur was an avid scholar while young, so avid that his father feared at first that he would prove to be no soldier. Instead, his scholastic energies aided him in his rapid rise through the military. He was eager to use ancient military tricks and tactics in battle. Fazzur was only 18, a mere lieutenant, at Grizzly Peak where his brother died so famously. He led many raids against Sartar and Alda-chur, and commanded a brigade during the invasion of Sartar in 1602. He was present when Runegate fell to the Crimson Bat during that year, and he led the assault upon Boldhome when the Sartar capital was conquered.
Fazzur was in command of the regiment which invaded in feint through the Hendreiki lands in 1605. At the same time the main Lunar Army attacked Esrolia and was defeated by the Building Wall of the Pharaoh. Fazzur pushed aside the defenders and laid waste to the land but was recalled when the main army was defeated. He was heard to complain, afterwards, that he could have marched all the way to Karse if he had been allowed.
Fazzur was second in command when the Lunar Army invaded Prax; he had proposed the invasion plan which worked so easily, but became embroiled in an argument about how to handle the occupied city. He was withdrawn to spend time training the Tarsh Native Army in 1611. He remained in Tarsh, impatiently, for two years reading many scrolls and books. During the 1613 rebellion in Sartar, the commander there proved himself a drunkard and incompetent in his handling the situation. Fazzur petitioned his brother-in-law, now the King of Tarsh, for command of the relieving troops. He received it and achieved a quick and complete victory. The rebel leaders were either outlawed or killed. Fazzur retained command of the occupying army having proven himself a calm, capable and effective leader.
Originally published in the book Griffin Island
Usual location: The Elder Wilds
Some of the Votanki of Balazar believe that Granny Keeneye is a myth -- an evil witch invented by clan elders to frighten youngsters. Others say that she is an evil spirit, a hideous succubus who has stalked the northern wilds since Balazar's time.
Those who believe in Granny Keeneye are right. She began as a spirit who served the Cacodemon, Krjalk, or some other chaotic entity. She became a wandering priestess of her god, and finally was "adopted" by a degenerate clan of Votanki hunters, and became an embodied spirit. She is resentful of humankind and most life in general, and is responsible for a number of atrocities committed on both men and beasts in the wilderness. Life is cheap to her, and she wastes a great deal of it.
Granny Keeneye is an immortal spirit that has possessed an unbroken string of bodies for centuries, each incarnation passing on the same spirit and intelligence to her successor. Though her spirit can only possess adult female humans, elves, dwarfs, or other humanoids, her chaotic spirit warps the body. Over time, the body takes on chaotic and supernatural features as it metamorphoses toward her "true form" -- something entirely non-humanoid. This progresses slowly with the years; depending on how far the degeneration has progressed she may have horns, a dozen breasts, oozing sores, glowing eyes, warty skin, a skull face, vipers instead of body hair, and poisonous breath.
When it becomes impossible for Granny Keeneye to seem human, even when heavily robed, she exchanges bodies with another victim, passing the victim's spirit into her used body. The new spirit usually goes insane in this shambling form and becomes a chaotic monstrosity, bent on destroying to survive.
As her body mutates, Granny Keeneye may or may not take on one or several chaos features. These will usually be beneficial, rather than detrimental. Granny Keeneye spends her time committing evil deeds and making sacrifices; though she worships the gods of chaos, she does not give up her freedom by devoting herself to them. She usually has a wide array of poisons and lesser magical items (such as stolen clan medicine bundles) with her. She will usually have at least one enchanted item of great significance, something worth questing after.
Concept originally published in The Broken Council
Usual location: Skyfall Lake
Cragspider is an ancient Mistress Race troll whose exact origins, nature, and name remain a mystery to all but her closest followers.
Cragspider began as a darkness entity, her first known act was to wrestle with a monstrous spider which blocked a tunnel through which the great Uz twins Gore and Gash sought to escape. Cragspider changed her form to duplicate the spider, but altered her poison so it was paralysed and let the twins and their followers escape. Upon the surface a pact was sealed between Gore and Gash and their followers, and Cragspider; they promised to sacrifice to Cragspider regularly, in return, she would come to their aid when summoned.
Cragspider was strengthened by this sacrifice, so that she travelled far upon the surface world. At first she was just another darkness entity, shapeless and hungry but without a clear identity. Her deeds, though, made her an individual. In the Darkness she swept the Gangarvi into the sea, pulverised the Bartoli Rocks, crushed the Herandarvi, betrayed Urthakal, and was one of those who blinded Asrelia. These deeds would have been impossible without the power that she got from the trolls' worship.
But the demands of the Uz had a greater impact upon her than her own deeds in determining her shape. They called her eight times and each time she was a great spider which came to their aid. When she lied to Urthakal she appeared as a spider for a while, and she could not change from that form when she opposed Asrelia.
She settled amidst the Rockwood Mountains, surrounded by trolls who needed her very much. Those were the days called the Great Darkness. Her webs trapped many monsters of chaos, so she and her worshippers could devour them. She grew stronger, and in her association and worship of Arachne Solara Cragspider was present when Wakboth was devoured. Cragspider then helped to reweave the Web of the World at the time of the Dawning.
In the Second Age Cragspider performed a great deed. She sought to break the Trollkin Curse of the Uz, and she achieved tremendous results. Her rites, performed by worshippers before mating and before birth, resulted in the birth of the Uzdo, who are called great trolls by humans. As these rites spread among the trolls Cragspider received a huge surge of worship. She levelled a few mountains and isolated her own mountain, then re-dug all its tunnels. At the end of the age she confronted one of the true dragons that came to destroy the humans who had invaded Kerofinela. This Black Dragon has been her ally since.
In the Third Age Cragspider has remained personally isolated from the world, only rarely interacting with the humans of Kerofinela. She has entertained emissaries in the last several decades. All have been afraid of her, and most agree that she will have an important role to play in the Hero Wars.